Can I Flush Cat Poop Down My Drain?

Flushing cat poop down the drain can lead to clogged pipes.

Flushing cat poop down your drain might seem like a convenient way to rid your Victorian home of those smelly little nuggets. However, it's far from an ideal disposal method. Why? Well, I'm glad you asked! 


The problem with Flushing Cat Poop Down Your Drain 


In a nutshell, the major concern here revolves around the damage it can cause to your home's plumbing system. Victorian homes, charming as they may be, often come with antique pipes which may not be equipped to handle such waste, resulting in potential clogs. 

Remember, your toilet is not a trash can!

Let's delve a little deeper into the reasons flushing cat poop down your toilet can be a bad idea, especially in Victorian homes. 


Disease Risks


Firstly, cat poop can contain a harmful parasite known as Toxoplasma gondii. This little titan is not eliminated during municipal water treatment and could end up in your local waterways, creating a public health risk.

Drain Damage 


Secondly, cat litter clumps when it's wet and becomes firm. If you were to flush it down, it would expand in your pipes, leading to serious clogs. This is particularly true for the older, less robust piping often found in Victorian homes. 

Environmental Harm 


Lastly, the improper disposal of pet waste leads to environmental pollution. Even if your home's plumbing can handle the waste, there is still the environmental impact to consider.

So, the next time you start to dispose of your cat's waste the easy way, think again! 

Blocked sewers can be quite expensive, so you want to do everything you can, to prevent blockages from occurring.
If you are ever wondering whether or not you should flush something down the drain..
Don’t risk it. Just bin it.


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